Thesis Defense Training
Optimally prepare for your thesis defense and practice your introductory presentation.
The workshop is offered several times:
- 21.01.2025 | 09:00 - 17:00
22.01.2025 | 09:00 - 17:00 Register here - 15.05.2025 | 09:00 - 17:00
16.05.2025 | 09:00 - 17:00 Register here
You can register for the event six weeks before the event starts from 9am. With your registration you agree to our terms and conditions.
Villa Tillmanns, Wächterstraße 30, 04107 Leipzig
Dr. Malte Engel, Dr. Anja Berninger
Target Group
Doctoral researchers in their last year
Number of Participants
Course Description
During their thesis defense, doctoral researchers have to give a presentation of 10 to 30 minutes which is followed by a discussion. This workshop is designed to optimally prepare doctoral researchers for this situation.
With practical tips and exercises, the participants learn how to structure their introductory presentation, how to build up the central argument, how to deal with critical questions and how to handle nervousness. Participants also get the chance to practice their presentation and to get feedback from the group and the trainer.
Note for participants: Two weeks before the workshop participants can decide whether they would like to practice their presentation during the workshop. Participants who do not wish to hold their full presentation get the chance to hold a short 3-minute presentation, which they can prepare during the workshop.
1 Credit Point can be obtained by attending this course. Please contact your faculty for the recognition of performance for the doctoral degree.
Dr. Anja Berninger
teaches ethics at the Medical Academy Gilching. She studied philosophy, musicology and psychology in Bonn, Nanjing (PR China) and Berlin. After her studies, she first worked as a management consultant for the Boston Consulting Group (Berlin). She received her doctorate from the University of Stuttgart in 2015 with a thesis on current emotion theory. The dissertation was awarded the Dissertation Prize of the Association of Friends of the University of Stuttgart. She has many years of teaching experience in academia and completed a one-year training course at the Writers' Studio Vienna to become a process-oriented writing coach.
Dr. Malte Engel
studied philosophy, psychology and English. From 2007 to 2010, he received a scholarship from the Berlin School of Mind and Brain to complete his doctorate at the Chair of Ethics at the Humboldt University of Berlin. In 2012 he started teaching courses on critical reasoning and logic and founded the Institute for Competence in Argumentation. Today he and his colleagues give courses at universities and research centers across Europe.