Nachricht vom

Als Leibniz-Professor im Wintersemester 2021/22 hält Prof. Dr. Iain Macdonald von der Université de Montréal am 9. November, 18 Uhr seine Antrittsvorlesung zum Thema „What Would Be Different: Blocked Possibilities in Benjamin and Adorno“ im Vortragssaal der Bibliotheca Albertina.


  • 9. November 2021, 18 Uhr
    Vortragssaal der Bibliotheca Albertina, Beethovenstraße 6, 04107 Leipzig
    Die Veranstaltung findet unter Einhaltung der 2G-Regel statt.


Der folgende Text ist nur auf Englisch verfügbar

To what extent does social theory rely upon abstract philosophical concepts such as possibility and actuality? This paper looks at how certain strands of critical theory, as represented by figures such as Theodor W. Adorno and Walter Benjamin, revive the problem of how the possible relates to the actual. This question, as thorny as it is traditional, takes on special depth and substance in the context of reflection on currently blocked possibilities of social renewal and transformation. How do possibilities of social change present themselves, how are they suppressed or kept in a state of latency, and how do they become the social fossils of what could have been? Walter Benjamin’s study of the flâneur will serve as an example of how society produces stunted figures and obscure images of what might be different if social relations could be remade in the image of the potential of the forces of production.

Unser aktueller Leibniz-Professor

Prof. Dr. Iain Macdonald lehrt und forscht am Département de philosophie der Université de Montréal und ist einer der führenden Vertreter der Kontinentalen Philosophie in Nordamerika.


Zum Leibniz-Programm